Thursday 17 September 2009

New Storeyshop Card Orders

When I have time and remember to, I like to take a quick photo of my personalised cards before I package them up and post them to each customer. The photographs aren't always the greatest as the light can be rubbish when I need to quickly snap a card and they often end up sitting on my memory card neglected for a while but they are nice records to have. Definitely more fun than just keeping accounts! I've had a sort out this morning and here are some orders from the last few months...

A couple more card orders to make and post this morning and then I have a website to design. Not my own unfortunately but this one should be a nice design project. I am designing the different elements and general layout in InDesign and someone else is doing the technical website build. Perfect for me and hopefully a good way of seeing how the different elements are used together. A mini step closer to learning a bit more of the technical side of things one day!

1 comment:

Kebo Jewellery said...

The Caroline and Vince one is mine. I ordered it for my sister's wedding day and she loved it, it was just perfect!! I am deffo ordering another one as soon as my friends baby arrives in to the world next month!!! Thanks again Helen, it was fantastic and something she will treasure forever!!

KEBO Jewellery